What does precision packaging look like?

Strength. Stiffness. Toughness. Durability. Processability. Blendability. Sustainability. All are essential to many of today’s packaging applications. What if you could achieve all of them in a single resin? And what if you could “dial in” the exact properties per application? Our scientists came up with a way. Then we gave them a name: INNATE™ Precision Packaging Resins.

Accurate and consistent resin

A breakthrough patented molecular catalyst and advanced process technology makes it happen. Accurate and consistent control of the resin chemistry allows performance levels and combinations of film properties like never before. And every INNATE™ resin offers that ability to precisely “dial in” your desired properties.

Be confident in your packaging

INNATE™ resins confidently address many needs of the packaging value chain. They can help deliver lighter, stronger, more durable packaging films for numerous applications even beyond packaging:

  • Dry food packaging
  • Heavy-duty shipping sacks
  • Industrial packaging
  • Liquid packaging
  • Non-food consumer packaging
  • Pallet containment
  • Silage wrap
  • Specialty packaging

Beyond packaging, INNATE™ can be used in artificial turf and construction films

Dependable resins

For consumer packaging, INNATE™ resins offer dependable performance where it’s most important. Durability and abuse resistance, with efficient processing by itself and in blends, make INNATE™ Precision Packaging Resins an excellent fit for food packaging in particular, and consumer product packaging in general. INNATE™ resins offer:

  • Abuse and abrasion resistance
  • Down-gauging potential up to 25% while achieving similar or improved toughness (structure dependent)
  • Excellent durability for package and product protection
  • Film stiffness needed for efficient filling, displaying, and storing of packages like stand-up pouches
  • Film toughness for enhanced package optimization – even at refrigeration and frozen temperatures
  • Superb processability – alone or in blends
  • Toughness with excellent flex crack resistance – for liquid packaging

Something for everyone

The family of INNATE™ resins presents valuable benefits to the entire value chain.

Converters get...Brand Owners get...Retailers get...
  • Ease of processability, with excellent bubble stability - even for thick films
  • Outstanding film toughness while maintaining stiffness
  • Unprecedented downgauging possibilities
  • Versatility in formulations, including excellent blending capabilities
  • Advanced performance characteristics
  • An excellent sustainability profile, due to material reduction potential, while maintaining or exceeding performance requirements
  • New opportunities for packaging efficiencies through material substitution
  • Outstanding film protection and packaging optimization
  • Potential for packaging differentiation
  • Improved package integrity for excellent shelf life
  • Increased packaging reliability
  • Less product damage and fewer returns

Dow innate


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